ReelDeal Shucks Bot
Quickly query and see a list of the latest prices against their All-Time-Low (ATL) prices for WD White shuckables. When a shuck drive current price is 5% or below the ATL, a Link will be included to take you to the retailer with the deal.
Running /shucks will pull data on new, Western Digital Shuckable drives.
/drives <size_in_tb> <interface_type>
You can also search for SAS, SATA, and Shucks on eBay using the /drives command. Examples include:
/drives 10 sata
/drives 20 shucks
/drives 16 sas
Where the number can be an even number from 8 to 20, representing in TB the size of the drive. The interface type is sata, sas, or shuck.
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